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In Shandong丨了不起的山东母亲

发布日期:2025-01-04 14:38    点击次数:77

  母爱宽广似大地,庄严如晨曦,柔软像溪流,坚韧若寒玉。母亲们无畏付出,创造了一个又一个生命传奇。在山东这片热土上,让我们一起再次认识这些伟大的母亲。  Mother's love is as broad as the earth, as solemn as the first glimmering of light, as tender as a stream, as tough as fine jade. Mothers have dedicated themselves fearlessly to creating one miracle after another. Let's get to know these great mothers again in this land of Shandong Province.  春秋时期  Spring and Autumn Period  孔子母亲颜徵在  Confucius' mother, Yan Zhengzai  坚韧仁厚  Tough and benevolent  孔子3岁时父亲离世,年轻的寡母便承担起生活重担,她带孩子迁居到鲁国国都阙里,那里典籍丰富,名师众多,为孔子创造了良好的学习环境。  She, this young widowed mother, took on the burden of life after her husband passed away when Confucius was 3 years old. She moved with her children to Que Li, the capital of the state of Lu, where there were abundant ancient books and famous teachers, creating a good learning environment for Confucius.  战国时期  Warring States Period  孟子母亲仉氏  Mencius' mother, Mrs.Meng  三迁择邻  Three Moves for Better Environment  孟母通过三次搬家,给孟子觅得书香气浓郁的环境,给孟子以潜移默化的熏陶;通过“断机杼”,教育孟子做事要有恒心,不能半途而废。  She,who moved her family three times into the school's catchment area, had created a good imperceptible influence on Mencius. At Mencius’sloth, she cut the cloth, teaching him to be persistent in his work.  抗日战争时期  Anti-Japanese War Period  沂蒙母亲王换于  Yimeng Mother: Wang Huanyu  无私奉献  Selfless Contribution  王换于,沂南县人。自1939年起,她无私创办战时托儿所,陆续抚养86位革命后代,无一人受到损失,自家却有先后4个孩子夭折。  She, from Yinan County, had founded a wartime nursery since 1939 and continually raised 86 revolutionary offspring. None of the offspring suffered losses, while four of her own descendants passed away.  抗日战争时期  Anti-Japanese War Period  英雄母亲陈若克  Heroic Mother: Chen Ruoke  滴血喂子  Feeding her child with her own blood  1941年,在沂蒙山区,陈若克被日军俘虏,在狱中产子后,她拒绝日军送来的奶瓶,将手指鲜血滴喂给孩子,十多天后母子壮烈牺牲。  She, who was captured by the Japanese armyin Yimeng mountainarea in 1941, gave birth in prison. She refused the milk sent by Japanese army and fed the child with drops of blood from her fingers. And they both died heroically in less than 20 days.  抗日战争时期  Anti-Japanese War Period  300名胶东乳娘  300 Jiao Dong wet nurses  人间大爱  Philanthropy  1942年,胶东育儿所成立,10多年间,300多名乳娘和保育员用乳汁哺育了1223名革命后代,在多次的日军“扫荡”中乳儿们无一伤亡,创造了历史奇迹。  They, more than 300 wet nurses and caregivers, had nurtured 1,223 revolutionary offspring with milk in 10 years, after the Jiaodong Nursery was established in 1942. The fact that none of the children suffered losses during the many Japanese “mopping-up”operations created a historical miracle.  抗日战争时期  Anti-Japanese War Period  英勇母亲祖秀莲  Heroic Mother: Zu Xiulian  舍生忘死  Disregarding her own safety  祖秀莲,沂水县人。1941年,她收留重伤八路军战士郭伍士,每天冒着生命危险,上山探望照顾,为他疗伤,最终将他健康送回部队。  She, from Yishui County,took in a seriously wounded Eighth Route Army soldier, Guo Wushi in 1941. She risked her life to visit and take care of him in the hill, healed his wounds and eventually sent him back to his unit in good health.  新时代  New Era  “兵妈妈”朱呈镕  "Soldiers’ Mother": Zhu Chengrong  坚定拥军  Firmly support the army  朱呈镕,来自沂蒙老区。她把母爱献给人民子弟兵,十几年来,共送出鞋垫8万多双,水饺900多吨,累计捐款捐物达到1000多万元。  She, from Yimeng Old Revolutionary Base Area, dedicated her maternal love to PLA. Over the past ten years, she has given out more than 80,000 pairs of insoles and 900 tons of dumplings, and her accumulated donations has reached more than 10 million yuan.  新时代  New Era  优秀母亲齐亚珍  Outstanding Mother: Qi Yazhen  公益不止  Unceasing volunteer activities  齐亚珍,山东一名退休教师。1994年以来,她帮助社会百名贫困大中学生、伤病残人员、孤儿、流浪儿;自家还创下一家七口人全部自愿捐髓的“全国之最”。  She, a retired teacher from Shandong Province, has helped hundreds of poor college and high school students, the sick and injured, orphans since 1994. Her family have also set a "national record" of all seven family members volunteering to donate marrow.  穿越历史风云,无数“平凡”的母亲培养出无数“不凡”的子女。借“母亲节”节日之名,致敬全天下每一位了不起的母亲!  Throughout the history, innumerous"ordinary" mothers have raised countless "extraordinary" children.In the name of "Mother's Day", we pay tribute to all the incredible mothers in the world!  无限工作室  视频:郭笃帅  文案、配音:武玮佳  策划:魏鹏 辛然  (素材来源:大众日报 海报新闻 济宁日报)

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